
0 comments / Posted by Vivien Chong

 Moei Ho, a breast cancer survivor wearing the Laverne Dress.


“I first noticed the lumps on my breasts in mid 2008 but refused the use of any western medicine. Instead, I opted for traditional Chinese medicine to try to cure it. But with no progress, I realized it couldn’t be delayed any longer and went for an operation in November 2008. My breast cancer was at stage 3.

I remembered asking God, “Why does it have to be me? What have I done in the past to deserve this cancer? Was I a terrible person?"

The chemotherapy sessions took the most out of me. I was in terrible shape, physically, mentally and emotionally. It made my body very weak and I lost most of my appetite. This was amplified by the ulcers that had formed in my mouth due to the treatment as well as lack of sleep.

What helped me the most with overcoming this bleak period of my life was the encouragement from my friends and family. They constantly told me that I have to face this instead of giving up and that I have to stay strong. There were still many more things I wanted to do with my life and I couldn’t die just yet!

Every morning during my cancer period (and even now), I would wake up early to exercise at the nearby park, whether it’s doing chi gong or to climb the hill. I love the feeling of the morning sun when it hits my skin; it instantly lifts my mood even during bad days. I do take an enjoyment from climbing hills despite the path being difficult at times. For instance, it could be too steep but I see it as a reflection on life. If the road gets tough, you shouldn’t give up, you should persevere and try to overcome the obstacle presented in front of you.

I was originally a tailor who sewed uniforms. But because of this cancer, I had to eat mostly organic food, which led me to the decision of opening my own organic food store! Because of this, I could also help people facing similar problems by becoming their one-stop shop and source for healthy food! 6 years have gone by since I’ve beaten breast cancer and I’m glad I survived It.” – Moei Ho


Visit Moei Ho’s organic food store:

Billion Organic Home, 42G Lorong Haruan 5/2, Oakland Commerce Square, 70200 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.


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