
1 comment / Posted by Vivien Chong

Casey, a breast cancer survivor, wearing the Andie Dress. 


"My name is Casey Chu, and I am 27 years old. I discovered a lump on my right breast in April of last year. Cancer was the last thing on my mind. I was young, and supposed to be at the peak of my life. In fact, I consulted three different doctors and all three of them told me that the chance of getting breast cancer at my age is very low, and it was probably just swelling. 

I took a scan because my family has a history of breast cancer, and the tests confirmed it. Cancer, at 26.

Upon receiving the news, my mum broke down crying, and my brother tried to console me by urging me to bawl and let it all out. I remembered asking myself, what's the point of crying? My cancer would still be there even if I did.

Chemotherapy was difficult. I would just vomit uncontrollably for the next three days after each session. The physical pain was incredible, and I don't wish that upon anyone.

Emotionally, it was no walk in the park either. Twice, I broke down crying. The first time was when my mum wept because she couldn't accept the fact that her child had cancer. She prayed and begged God to take her instead of me, and my heart just broke. I understood her anguish, though. I can't imagine seeing her suffer from cancer, too.

The second time I broke down was when my doctor advised me to take half a year off from work to rest. Something as innocuous as that, and yet I wept! I suppose it was the apparent finality of it - like this is it, i'm not even useful to society anymore. I simply couldn't accept the fact that I could not go to work!

It's been a few months since I officially beat cancer. However, even though it's in remission, I know that there's a possibility that it could come back to bite me again. So I've vowed to enjoy my life each and every single day - there's no bigger incentive to do so than having stared cancer down. First step: I've already made travel plans for next year!" - Casey


  • Posted On October 14, 2015 by CY

    Stay strong !

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