The Sparrow
6 Ways To Love Yourself More This Kissmas
We believe Christmas is the season to give, love and reunite with your loved ones. 2017 has been a year full of ups and downs for the most of us. Nevertheless, we’d like to take this opportunity to be grateful and thank everyone of you for supporting our unicorn dreams. ❤️ This KISSMAS season, we’d like to emphasise on the emotions of LOVE. Love is such an important emotion because it transcends all things.
This week, we talk about self-love.
Loving yourself doesn’t have to involve spending big bucks on holiday retreats to get them Instagram-worthy photos and feed onto your FOMO (fear of missing out). Instead, all you need is to do anything it takes to feel good inside. Here are some ways to love yourself even more, and to give yourself a well deserved treat.
1. Take a hot & relaxing bath
To start things off, take a hot and relaxing bath. It may sound cliché, but a steamy bath can do many replenishing wonders. Aside from moisturising your skin and opening up your pores, it helps improve blood circulation and reduces headaches too. Stress may be an everyday phenomenon of work, so it’s always important to pause, breathe and rewind. Try throwing a bath bomb in your bathtub, light a sandalwood scented candle and pick your favourite book to read while you’re at it.
Source: Evelina
2. Eat Nutritious Meals
The saying “You are what you eat” can’t be more true in this vastly accessible world, no matter if it’s the consumption of fast-paced social media or fast food. Eating nutritious meals and having a healthy diet changes your lifestyle, and your relationship with food. Did you know that the food you eat may even contribute to your mental wellbeing? We found out that there are food you should eat that will benefit your gut; a damaged and leaky gut leads to brain inflammation, which will cause depression. If you want to improve your mental health, maybe you can give the Ketogenic Diet a try.
Besides not skipping your breakfast, having a balanced and nutritious meal will also make you happier. You’ll feel really good from the inside out. Take time to research on the nutritious level of your regular food intake and tweak bit by bit from there. Obtaining knowledge on nutritious meals doesn’t have to be boring. You can start with following bloggers and Instagram profiles. Their aesthetically pleasing poké, and smoothie bowls will be sure to inspire you to make your own!

Here are a list of people we love seeing on our IG feeds:
- Alison Wu - @alison__wu
- Amanda - @raw_manda
- Ellie Bullen - @elsas_wholesomelife
- Popsugar Fitness - @popsugarfitness
- Lucy Mountain - @thefashionfitnessfoodie
3. Self-reflection
One way to assure yourself, is to reflect on all your good traits and flaws. Journal and write down what you love about yourself, and embrace all the flaws that you have. This helps us in being self-aware so we get to leverage on our good traits to find our purpose in life. We can genuinely just keep doing the things that will make us feel good, while it gives us a clearer perspective on what we can improve on objectively. Sometimes, we gotta remind ourselves that we’re still human and we make mistakes. Having fears in our daily lives is almost as normal as breathing, so all toasts go to embracing knuckle-whitening moments. *Cheers*

4. Feed yourself with knowledge and wisdom
Someone once told me to read 3 genres of books per week, so you’ll have a variety of knowledge by the end of a year. Reading requires a huge amount of discipline but we believe where there’s a will, there’s a way! Commit to one book at a time and bring that book with you wherever you go. Who knows, you may squeeze in 5-10 minutes a day to read. Either on the subway, while waiting for your lunch mate to show up, while waiting for your bathroom turn, or before you sleep. Try it for 3 months, your heart will be fuelled and you may view the world differently!
If you’re not much of a reader, here’s an alternative: podcasts. They’re amazing, and most of the time, they’re free! All you need to do is head over to your Apple Podcasts, podcast apps on Google Play or even on Spotify to access a vast array of topics. Investigative journalism, mindfulness or financial tips? They’ve got you all covered to listen on-the-go! Now you can bid boring chores or driving sessions goodbye. 😉 Let us know in the comments below if you’d like us to give our books or podcasts recommendations in the future!
Source: Irina
5. Dress well
Apart from feeling good from the inside out, you can feel good from the outside in, too! Love yourself so much that you respect your body and only put on what you love. Don’t be afraid to express yourself and develop your own distinct individuality. The best gift you can give yourself is to feel comfortable in your own skin. #RealPeople#RealBodies
Sherlyn in our Zuzanna Tuxedo Romper from the Kissmas Collection 🌲
6. Get enough SLEEP
You’ve probably heard this everywhere you go, but it’s true! Sleep is so important that if you don’t get enough sleep, you’ll start having long-term health problems.
Research shows that our body generates melatonin from 10PM to 2AM. That means if we don’t sleep between these timings, we’ll still have sleep fatigue the next day no matter how many hours of sleep we get. Having a good night’s sleep makes you happier than having good sex, period. Check out this Girlboss article here. Try to sleep before 12am for a month, and slowly push the time earlier to cultivate a habit.
Source: Vladislav Muslakov via Unsplash
We have to learn how to love ourselves before we have the capacity to love or accept love from others. Here’s to endless days of self-love and gratitude ahead! Everything else will fall into place. #LawofAttraction
Have a great day ahead peeps! x.