The Sparrow
An Open Letter to the Real Heroes of Twenty3
Three years ago, I started Twenty3 as an avenue to pursue my dreams of being a singer and a dancer. With only RM5000, I bootstrapped all the way to turn Twenty3 into the largest single-brand, non-Muslimah online fashion store in Malaysia. And it’s all been made possible by the support of every single one of you beautiful ladies who believe in the brand!

I’m proud of the relationship we have with all of you. We try to keep open all lines of communication with you, in order to better understand you, and to deliver exactly what you expect and deserve. In fact, every single step of the journey to where we are today came from conversations with YOU.
Without you, we would not be where we are today.
In return for your support, we’ve tried to give back to you in our own little ways.
We cast you in our first fashion show at Publika two years ago instead of runway models, to help you achieve your modelling dreams. Some of you still continue to model for our bridesmaids shoots – you would have grown up with us!
We invited you to attend our show at KL Fashion Week instead of the usual celebrities, and pushed you to break out of your comfort zone to turn up in a strong look that most of you were uncomfortable with – in the end, we all had a blast together.
We continue to write your stories in The Sparrow, stories of hope, strength, and perseverance that most would never get to hear.
We send you surprise gifts, sometimes for your birthday, sometimes to cheer you up, sometimes for fun, but always to thank you for being awesome.
My old dreams of being a singer and dancer continue to be just dreams, but I want Twenty3 to be a platform to push people to chase their own dreams. From raising young, talented designers who would normally never be given a chance, to pushing our talented Art Director to pursue her singing ambition, to empowering our wonderful customers with the strength and ambition to break their own limits – that’s what “Beauty In Perseverance” means to us.
So thank you for being part of this wonderful journey. If you’ve had a great experience with us and would like to help us grow even further, please vote for us in the Alliance Bank SME Innovation Challenge. With your help, we’ll continue to break limits and make you proud.