#MOVEwithSher: The 8-Week Challenge
Before we begin, I'd like to ask you a question.
WHY are you here?
I asked you this when you signed up and now, I'd like you to think about it again.
This could be anywhere from "I want to get abs for a beach holiday" to "I want to eat healthier and nourish my body". They are perfectly valid reasons, but, if you're here looking to impress anyone but yourself, perhaps you need to rethink your answer.
With this challenge, my goal is to encourage self-love and empowerment within us all. I hope for you to join me on this out of a want to make a change, to find out just what you are capable of and to go further than you've ever gone, for you. Not your peers, not to 'fit in' and most certainly not to 'look good' for someone else.
Within these pages, you can find my workout timetable, videos, explanation and tips on getting the correct exercise forms down, easy recipes that are my personal go-tos, and more.
Bookmark this page now and come back here anytime to find what you need. This challenge starts 12 June and ends 6 August 2017.
Throughout this time, I will be sharing live updates on my Instagram so be sure to follow me on @sherlyn_fitness and join the MOVE community on @movebytwenty3.
Ready? Let's break our limits!
Print this timetable and stick it on your wall or screenshot it on your phone. Feel free to change it up to suit your schedule and fitness level. This is just my current workout plan for those who need a little direction. The point is to get MOVE-ing at least 5-6 days a week.
Click on the timetable to view the workout videos>
* Eat. Never starve. Nourish your body with natural food and remove as much processed foods as you can from your diet. It can make a big difference!
For example, check out this comparison of FAST FOOD v HOME COOKED FOOD by Amanda Meixner (@meowmeix).
* Cut off all sugary drinks. Water is much better. Trust me.
* Drink at least 2 liters of water every day.
You can also choose to drink green tea or black coffee, which has been found to boost our metabolism and help with fat burning!
* Have a cheat meal once a week.
This means you can eat anything you want!
You are doing this for yourself. Not anyone else.
6 kg heavier and much happier.
The left photo was taken at the very beginning of my depression recovery journey. It was a couple of months after my last (yes, last) suicide attempt. I used to want to lose weight because I thought it'd buy me approval from my peers. I was starving myself and every day just felt so horrible. Now, on the right, I'm much happier and healthier. I am certainly not eating 100% healthy and my workouts are inconsistent, but my mind is definitely 100% WAY BETTER AND STRONGER!
I know now that there is a lot more in this world aside from just losing weight. Like I mentioned, my goal with this challenge is to encourage self-love and empowerment within us. We are doing this for us, for our own health and our own happiness. Yes, we want to commit these next 8 weeks to reach our goals but I have learned not to be too hard on myself. Eating an ice cream when it's not my cheat meal will NOT ruin everything. So as you begin this challenge, please remember not to beat yourselves up when you go off track.
A healthy lifestyle includes a a healthy mind and that means doing this for yourself and loving yourself, as you are now.
If you missed my previous emails, you can find them here:
Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided within these pages are from personal experience and research, and in no way serve as professional guidance. By following the information here, you do so at your own risk, and assume all risk of injury to yourself.